
Meet Angela Sacco

Angela has traveled from the musical theater stage at the Boston Conservatory of Music to the boardroom of Lehman Brothers, where she was the Chief of Staff. Despite being born and raised on Long Island,

Thank you Lise

A message from Lise Saying goodbye is never easy to do and this farewell is especially heartfelt. After 15 truly enjoyable years of managing the Bates House, it is time for me to step down

Spotted Lanternfly

Please alert the park at if you spot these lantern flies in the park. Thank you!


Posted You will see a series of new Private Property POSTED No Fishing, No Hunting, No Trapping yellow signs along Old Field Road and the entrance to the Park that were posted on July 24,

It’s Turtle Season!

Dear park visitors, It's Turtle Season! Please watch closely for turtles in the park, on the roads, and on pathways! #turtleseason #frankmelvillepark #threevillage

Goodbye Old Friend

The beech trees planted here 100 years ago are aging out. These trees are subject to fungal diseases and a new “beech leaf” illness is threatening a catastrophic loss of our American beech trees on

No Mow May

As the stewards of our rich ecosystem, we are concerned about the park's habitat for wildlife as well as its humans. No Mow May, a conservation program sweeping the country, creates habitats for early-season bees

FMMP, A Special Retreat

Article By Leah S. Dunaief Last week I wrote about the pleasure of getting away, even for a day, and enjoying the foliage season in lower New England. This time I want to wax rhapsodic

Invasive Plant Removal Project

Sunday morning’s project involved the removal of two highly invasive, non-native aquatic plant species - water lettuce and water hyacinth. These species have caused significant problems in other wetland areas of the country where they

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